

Predictive Healthcare: Innovative growth in USA

Filed under: Innovation,Technology — lenand @ 10:31 pm
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McKinsey have analysed the applications of big data technology in US healthcare and show that direct intervention and predictive power is increasing:

Big Data in Healthcare

Big Data in Healthcare


If early successes are brought to scale, we estimate that big-data applications could eventually strip more than $300 billion in costs from the nation’s health-care system and improve transparency to drive better patient outcomes. Such applications might help avoid costly readmissions, enhance the understanding of chronic diseases, and ensure that patients are treated in the care setting that best meets their needs.”

This should encourage UK and EU investment in smart software to help in diagnosis and treatment to improve health outcomes.  There’s big money for those innovators that provide scalable machine learning and prediction.  The Internet of Things is capable of generating more data than can be analysed easily by traditional techniques.  Singapore is doing it.

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